Kicks Condor

Reply: Ramblin’ Git Rambles Off

Brad Enslen

After #3 above. I’d like to import my comments from Wordpress into that third party comments do-hickey. I really hated losing those comments in the migration. There were some long comments by others that were brilliant and some long threads. That was a high toll to pay, but maybe reversible.

I wonder if you could import into I just love that all my interactions are stored there and it can easily be hooked up to a new blog or imported/exported elsewhere.

Actually—I’m sure you could! I might take a stab at this, if you’re interested.

Oh also wanted to say that none of my links to you seem broken. So that’s cool!

Can’t wait to hear how this goes for you wrt Wordpress vs. I also wonder if you could map out your ideal blogging platform at some point. Where you’d like to see things go… Or have you already posted that line of thinking somewhere?

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